Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Avett Brothers - 10/18/09 - The House Of Blues, Boston, MA

The Avett Brothers live show was fantastic. Although, following in the tone of their new album I And Love And You, they both opened and closed with slow love songs. This is basically inverted from what I expect of any live performance, but they pulled it off well. They opened with what is actually my least favorite song on the new album, "January Wedding" which initially worried me, but the band (Seth and Scott Avett, Bob Crawford, accompanied by the most amazing asian cellist, Joe Kwan) quickly allayed my fears by kicking into "Salvation Song" off 2004's Mignonette.

The brothers put on a very high energy show, with both bouncing around onstage and then between songs switching off onto different instruments after virtually every song. At any given moment, they could be playing their banjo or guitar (with accompanying foot kick drum and high hat), piano or drums. Their two voices complement each other perfectly; it helped seeing them live to differentiate which brother was singing which parts. Although, in retrospect the differences in the timbre of their voices seems obvious. They didn't slow down much for stage banter, although when they did it usually highlighted their southern charm with things like: "We're real happy y'all could be gracious enough to come see us." Bob Crawford seemed to be enjoying himself on the doublebass (occasionally switching over to standard electric bass), and I can't emphasize enough how awesome Joe Kwan was. He was playing like he should be at a metal show: headbanging in time with the music with his long hair, holding his cello up in the air and just going nuts on it.

The set covered a solid mix of old and new songs, including a sped up version of "Talk On Indolence" which was just great, along with strong renditions of some of their best songs like "I Would Be Sad," "Laundry Room," and my personal favorite, closer "If It's The Beaches." There were some notable exceptions like "Kick Drum Heart," "Die Die Die" or "Murder In The City" but still, an excellent show.

"Laundry Room"

Watch all of the stomping going on during the hoe-down! It's nutty!

"And It Spread"
Last song of the set proper, before the encore.

"Head Full Of Doubt / Road Full Of Promise"
The ever popular blue-lit croon.

Failure To Launch!

Trystan and I are either enfuriatingly taciturn (which we're not) or just two of the laziest dudes ever. Words of actual pertinence are forthcoming. Work schedules being what they are, I haven't had time to finish the reviews I've been working on, making them now almost two weeks removed from the actual event or release. This situation is, I know, less than ideal but since I'm almost certain no one even knows this page exists yet, I'm not too worried about it.

See you on the other side of the next post!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's on, Mahf***cka

Hey! This is T'n'R's new music blog, biatches. Does the world need another music blog? Eff no! But like a ho we gonna smack the internet's face anyway!