Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mixtapes - A Short Collection Of Short Songs

Released: November 30, 2010

I just discovered this band a few days ago and they are so much fun!  This is absolute summer music!  How so, you ask?  Maybe it's the poppy minimalism, maybe it's the boy/girl vocals, maybe it's the album cover, or maybe it's the first song "Birthday Party Summer Camp (Hellloo Meggann)".  Incidentally, that's the song that hooked me.  I'm a sucker for songs that start soft and slowly build throughout; in this case, from a simple plucked bass line up the big gang vocals (no matter the genre, or how closely they resemble a "sing-a-long", I will always call them gang vocals because that makes them sound cooler).  The middle of the (short) album is filled up cheerful pop punk melodies that just brush the 2 minute mark and, thankfully, don't overuse the "whoa-uh-oh's".  And, in classic form, the last song is the ballad.

It's bands like this that make me feel vindicated in my relentless search for new music.  They come out of nowhere and put out music that feels immediately fresh, but familiar.  They're refreshing and fun, and I want to listen to this album over and over (I've already played it over 5 or 6 times now and I'm just getting started!).

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Damned Things - Ironiclast

Released: December 13, 2010

I was leery but hopeful when I first heard about The Damned Things because the band is made up of members from bands that wouldn't seem to naturally coexist in any natural environment: Every Time I Die, Anthrax and Fall Out Boy.  Yeah.  Right?  Now, I had complete faith in Keith Buckley is a vocalist and lyricist, but the rest of the line up is: Scott Ian and Rob Caggiano of Anthrax, and Joe Trohman of Fall Out Boy, all playing guitar; Josh Newton of ETID on bass, and Andy Hurley of FOB on drums.  I've not really cared about Anthrax in years, despite them putting on a good show when I saw them on a reunion tour, 8 years ago.  Dudes are getting old.  And Fall Out Boy... Well, let's just say I've never been a fan.

It turns out that they all love classic blues-inspired riff rock and they perform it well.  Ironiclast is so damned (ha) catchy it's silly.  Every time their first single "We've Got A Situation Here" ends, I just want to skip right back to the beginning and hear it again.  And that's not a singular phenomenon, there's delightful melodies and harmonies and fun riffs and huge choruses being flung around like a cat clinging to a ceiling fan!  If this is what a modern rock record sounds like, then count me in.  I just hope the world follows their lead and forgets about the Puddle of Nickelcreedbacks out there, but honestly, that's been a dream of mine every time any record comes out. 

Do yourself a favor, get this album and hit the highway with it because this is driving music, dammit!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Chariot - Long Live

Released: November 23, 2010

Long Live is probably one of the most interesting hardcore records to come out this year.  It far exceeds last year's (what I thought to be) hit or miss Wars And Rumors Of Wars and rivals 2007's The Fiancee in terms of mayhem and unexpected highlights like spoken poetry break in "David De La Hoz" or the big sing along at the end of "The City".  Everything just works on Long Live; the rhythm section is tight and pummeling, the guitars are spastic and fun, and Josh Scogin continues to howl his conviction like an old southern preacher condemning the devil.  The Chariot have just been getting better and better over the years, and their live show is stunning.  As long as Scogin and co. keep making music, I will keep listening.