Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Chariot - Long Live

Released: November 23, 2010

Long Live is probably one of the most interesting hardcore records to come out this year.  It far exceeds last year's (what I thought to be) hit or miss Wars And Rumors Of Wars and rivals 2007's The Fiancee in terms of mayhem and unexpected highlights like spoken poetry break in "David De La Hoz" or the big sing along at the end of "The City".  Everything just works on Long Live; the rhythm section is tight and pummeling, the guitars are spastic and fun, and Josh Scogin continues to howl his conviction like an old southern preacher condemning the devil.  The Chariot have just been getting better and better over the years, and their live show is stunning.  As long as Scogin and co. keep making music, I will keep listening. 

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