Saturday, January 2, 2010

Rob's Best: #5: Against Me! - As The Eternal Cowboy

Released: November 3, 2003.

Against Me! are a punk band from Gainesville, Florida led by Tom Gabel.  As The Eternal Cowboy, and their Acoustic EP, are two of my principal inspirations for wanting to perform music.  This is my favorite album out of their illustrious catalog.  Each of Against Me's albums has had it's own distinct personality: Reinventing Axl Rose is brash, vigorous and loud; Searching For A Former Clarity is bleak and bitter; New Wave is just a straight up rock and roll record; and As The Eternal Cowboy is a fast, fun, punk rock romp.  It's party music, despite the albums opening line of "The party's over..."  And this album is wonderfully varied as well, from the first upbeat strums of opener "T.S.R. (This Shit Rules)" through the glorious punk rock of "Cliche Guevara" and "Rice And Bread" to the driving acoustic songs "Sink, Florida, Sink" and "Unsubstantiated Rumors Are Good Enough For Me (To Base My Life Upon)."  The final three songs are some of the best punk songs ever recorded: "You Look Like I Need A Drink" is the standout track on the album, "Turn Those Clapping Hands Into Angry Balled Fists" is a slow burning epic of a song that explodes like Mount Saint Helens, and there is not a single person who I've shown closer, failed love ballad "Cavalier Eternal" to that hasn't loved it.

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