Monday, January 4, 2010

Trystan's Best #2: Against Me! - The Acoustic EP

Released: December 1st, 2001

Yep. A six song EP is my second favourite album of the entire decade. Here's why: The Acoustic EP is a collection of the most passionate, driving acoustic songs ever put to microphone. Tom Gabel covers more thematic ground here than some bands do in entire double-albums. Separation, betrayal, disillusionment, nostalgic longing, unyielding idealism, the list could go on and on. And beyond that, Gabel seems to touch on something here that so many punk troubadours fail to perceive: Punk Rock isn't about rebellion as much as it is about fear, fear of a world spinning helplessly out of your control. And the only way to show any kind of resolve in a world like that is pick up a guitar and sing, even if you can't.

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