Sunday, January 3, 2010

Trystan's Best #3: Every Time I Die - Hot Damn!

Released: July 1st, 2003

Didn't think you could throw a metal album on at a party? Thought it would be a buzz-kill? Clearly you haven't heard Every Time I Die, asshole. ETID, as some people like to call them, make truly butt-shakin' rock'n'roll music and their best example of this is Hot Damn!, an album that finds them between their much bleaker, earlier stuff and their more tongue-in-cheek, recent albums. Singer Keith Buckley wields his words like a knife here, adding a level of intellectuality to a genre that isn't really known for poetry. Not that you'll notice this initially, since you'll be too busy handling the adrenaline rush that is this entire album. "Only the lonesome love us; only the careless can handle us". Fuck yeah.

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