Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Rob's Best: #12: Between The Buried And Me - Alaska

Released: September 6, 2005

This is my favorite Between The Buried And Me record, and that's saying something because they have released several phenomenal ones.  At this point, they're still writing individual songs, rather than basically one long song with varied movements like on Colors, which I tend to prefer.  Between The Buried And Me can seem, at times, like two very separate bands in one since they worship two disparate musical styles: tech metal and prog rock.  But these guys pull it off because they are some of the most talented musicians I've ever seen; just listen to the song "Selkies: The Endless Obsession."  That song is the epitome of all that is Between The Buried And Me: it begins with keyboards that are quickly joined by several harmonizing guitar lines which builds into a soft sung vocal line over a slightly menacing chord progression... and then the metal happens.  Twisting time signatures, angular guitar riffing, solid double bass, and guttural howls.  After this, the keyboards kick back in, with a gentle repeated guitar melody and layered sung vocals... and then the guitar solo happens.  And happens for the rest of the song.  And it's worth it.  This guitar solo rivals "Master Of Puppets" by Metallica.  It's got sweep picking like I ain't never heard before.  It's beautiful.  It's Between The Buried And Me.

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