Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rob's Best: #19: Tegan & Sara - The Con

Released: July 24, 2007

If any of you know me, you probably already know that I have a love affair with these two women.  They're probably the only band that turns my brain into that of a prepubescent girl.  The Con is their best album.  It is quirky, fun, and catchy as all get out.  The whole album flows wonderfully, with a really strong and upbeat introduction from the off-beat opener combo of "I Was Married" and "Relief Next To Me" through the flagship song "The Con" and into the lead single "Back In Your Head".  While the last half of the album is filled with the emotional highpoints "Nineteen", "Dark Come Soon," and "Call It Off."  This might seem like needless namedropping to fill up space, but I would likely kick myself later if I didn't mention each one because all of them are amazing and delightful and gosh they're neat!


  1. Also, they're probably the coolest people in the world if you've ever seen their live show. NOFX got kicked off my Best Of The Decade list just for that shitty song on their latest album about being assholes to the two of them. NOFX? Blacklisted. T&S? Goldlisted!

  2. i have a confession to make... i haven't heard a single song from this album.
