Monday, December 7, 2009

Trystan's Best #25: The Wet Secrets - Rock Fantasy

Released: May 13th, 2008

Rock Fantasy is like the musical equivalent of Kool-Aid and porn. Shameless, ridiculous indie pop-rock that really sounds like it was too much fun to make. Comprised of members of other Edmonton bands, this may be the only collection of recordings you will ever hear from this band, and it may be all you need. There's the frantic gang-vocals of "Easy Prey Vs. Sex Maniac", the nasty dance number "Hot Roller", and the Transylvanian romp about being a shit bag, "Boat Gas Death Train". But the high point, and this high point could be the catchiest song of the decade, is right in the middle with "Secret March". If that one doesn't get you naked and doing the hokey-pokey, I don't know what will.

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