Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rob's Best: #7: Set Your Goals - Mutiny!

Released: July 11, 2006.

This is the best damn pop punk record ever.  Listening to this album is like being at a party with all your best friends.  It's fast, fun, and catchy as hell.  This record flows exceptionally well as songs often segue from one to the next perfectly, and often building up as a kind of prequel, like the combos of "Dead Men Tell No Tales" into "Mutiny!" and "Don't Let This Win Over You" and "Echoes."  I can't help but bounce and swing my arms in jubilation whenever I listen to Mutiny!  The two vocalists duck and weave around each other, trading line for line for the most part, but occasionally singing together as well, to tremendous effect like sing-a-long at the end of "Echoes".  It's never been more fun to sing along to songs about life, religion and death... and pirates.

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