Saturday, December 12, 2009

Rob's Best: #20: The World / Inferno Friendship Society - Addicted To Bad Ideas: Peter Lorre's Twentieth Century

Released: September 11, 2007

The World / Inferno Friendship Society is a punk rock cabaret collective led by the unfailingly entertaining Jack Terricloth.  Addicted To Bad Ideas is a concept album based upon the life and works of actor Peter Lorre that begins in true classical fashion with an overture of soft, plucked cello that quickly grows into a bombastic serenade with more strings, clarinet, piccolo, and a horn section.  Then the drums kick in and the show begins in all of its sensational, over-the-top, rock and roll / klezmer fusion glory.  This album never fails to make me happy to be alive when I listen to it, especially the song "Ich Erinnere Mich An Die Weimarer Republik."  You listen to that song and I dare you to try and not start dancing. 

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