Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Trystan's Best #23: The White Stripes - White Blood Cells

Released: September 24th, 2001

Jack White is a rarity in this day and age. He has achieved an unparalleled level of fame for the genre-bending, boundary pushing music he makes. A level of fame typically reserved for the Nickelbacks and Jonas Brothers of this world. In years to come, he may become remembered as our generation's closest thing to a Jimi Hendrix or a Bob Dylan. Now these are big, broad statements that are making me digress from the point at hand: White Blood Cells is a fucking fantastic album, and one that draws you in for repeated listens of its primal, raw guitars and classic rock'n'roll tunes. What's most amazing is the seamless blend of genres here. Country, blues, classic hard rock all mashed up and pushed to their limits, and this is all before you even reach the breakout single "Fell In Love With A Girl". Time can only tell how Jack White's legend will grown before we are all old, but for now we have numerous albums by him to enjoy, with White Blood Cells at the top of the heap.

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