Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rob's Best: #24: The Chariot - The Fiancée

Released: April 3, 2007

The Fiancée is many things.  First of all, it marks Josh Scogin's second appearance on this Best Of list (the first being Norma Jean's album at #31).  And musically, it is an exercise in chaos: there are multiple, rapid time changes, spastic guitars, distortion, feedback, one of the heaviest growls this side of Job For A Cowboy, harmonica, heavier-than-yo-fat-mama breakdowns, and a full southern Baptist gospel choir.  Yeah, I know, right?  The Chariot are also, for those of you keeping score, at #4 on my list of Best Live Bands Ever (numbers 1-3 and 5 are all showing up later on in the list, so keep checking back!  I'll let you know... #5 is coming up real quick!).  They're just mental; they throw their guitars, themselves, and anything that happens to be lying around into a blender of amazing and then they pour you, the audience, a smoothie of 100% Pure Entertainment.

Bonus: Hayley Williams also sings on one track, which means that every once in a while, a vapid Paramore fan is going to notice that fact, listen to this album, and probably cry.  There's probably one crying right now as I write this... And right now, as you're reading this.


  1. Is that vapid Paramore fan you, Rob?

  2. Do I look vapid to you? I'm more of a Paramore singles fan, because when they're on, they're fucking on. Misery Business? That shit is beyond catchy!
