Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Rob's Best: #15: Sinking Ships - Disconnecting

Released: March 20, 2007

Sinking Ships were a Seattle-based melodic hardcore band.  Disconnecting is their second and final full length, and it's full of great sing-a-longs, interesting arrangements, and poignant lyricism.  I mean, the album's first "chorus" is a repeated refrain of a quote from an American Revolution era pamphlet: "These are the times that try [our] souls."  Some of the songs on this album still catch me with their pure evocation of images or emotions, and I would easily consider them among the best songs of the decade regardless of genre.  The only reason this album isn't higher on my list is that the second half of the album is noticeably weaker than the first, and it's not that they're bad by any means, but they just can't compare with the standouts like "The Next Time I Go," "Auburn," or "The Days You've Come To Fear."  Not to mention the sadly beautiful "Ghost Story":
And it scares me to death to know that one day I won't be haunted by your ghost.
Stay with me.
That one day I'll lay awake and struggle to remember your face
Stay with me.
'It will be lost,' I'll breathe.  Remembering that I won't remember anything
Stay with me.
It never stops.

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