Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rob's Best: #22: Shai Hulud - That Within Blood Ill-Tempered

Released: May 20, 2003.

Shai Hulud is a seemingly contradictory creature.  Their music is simultaneously dark, yet triumphant; aggressive, yet somehow melodic.  Not melodic in the traditional sense, by any means, but still wonderfully hummable.  Their lyrics are, at face value, wholly pessimistic and misanthropic, but under the surface they display an undeniable yearning for hope and beauty and wonder. Theirs is a melancholic path to tread: That of the cynic who dreams of one day showing his true optimism.  Until then, they'll scream at the moon, hoping that someone will hear them and understand.
"I am prepared to fight humanity every day
for the rest of my life,
albeit, my mind and body
yearn for tranquility.

People that should earn my love
consistently warrant my hate.
I truly resent this.

Breathe easy, friend.
Let not bitter fruit sour your breath."

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