Monday, December 21, 2009

Trystan's Best #12: Sunset Rubdown - Shut Up I am Dreaming

Released: May 2nd, 2006

Spencer Krug has the most interesting voice in music today, and he uses it to great effect on Shut Up I Am Dreaming. Krug yelps and cries his way across ten songs of indie-pop wonder, from the grand opener "Stadiums and Shrines II" to the slow-burn-to-explosion closer "Shut Up I Am Dreaming Of Places Where Lovers Have Wings". It's often confusing and difficult to decipher just what some of these songs are about, but Krug's mastery of language and rhyme makes for such interesting lyrics you can often and just sit back and enjoy them, no matter what they're about. Like most good music, the voice carries the emotion here, and Krug's paints such a vivid picture, deciphering the meaning behind the words becomes unnecessary.

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