Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rob's Best: #27: AFI - The Art Of Drowning

Released: September 19, 2000

This is the first "real" punk band I ever listened to, after only hearing bands like Treble Charger and Sum 41 on MuchMusic.  Needless to say, The Art of Drowning has a certain something that Wide Awake Bored or All Killer, No Filler do not... What it is, is far too vast a concept to be grasped in the English language, but words like "originality," "artistic depth," "interesting layered arrangements," or "way more whoa-ohs per capita" come close to delivering an accurate representation.  Don't get me wrong, I love Canadians who write faux-NWOBHM songs as much as the next guy, but I'd much rather listen to the incredible full album experience that The Art of Drowning offers, from the brooding intro through 13 songs of dark punk perfection (14, if you bought the vinyl), and then there's even a hidden track that kicks ass like Black Flag.  This album makes me happy.

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