Sunday, December 6, 2009

Rob's Best: #26: Most Precious Blood - Merciless

Released: September 20, 2005.

Most Precious Blood are a New York hardcore band.  They play heavy, awesome, dirty, epic music.  Merciless is a powerhouse of an album that is jam packed full of amazing riffs that would go great with the end of the world.  Despite all of the grooving aggression, they've still created a very intricately structured album, not only in the songs, but the record as a whole.  There is a very defined rise and fall in the flow of the album, assisted in part thanks to some of the most artfully applied samples I've ever heard on a hardcore record.  Sure, some are just dropped in front of a song like usual, but others are blended in to the song itself and the song "Curse of the Immortal" in particular is a sample that is looped and repeated which segues into the next song.  Somehow they even make a 30 track of silence work as a titled song ("A World Without Music") rather than just that period of time before the "secret" track starts. 

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