Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rob's Best: #31: Norma Jean - Bless The Martyr & Kiss The Child

Released: August 13, 2002

Norma Jean is the first real southern metal band that I ever heard and I've never looked back.  This album kicked my ass the first time I heard it, because of these heavy and amazing riffs backed with a strong sense of groove and brutality.  Just listen to the 16 minute epic about time itself: "Pretty Soon, I Don't Know What, But Something Is Going To Happen" and you're witness to all the grace and dynamics of a great post-rock record combined with the strength and immediacy of a great metal record. 

Fact: "Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste" contains one of the greatest breakdowns ever recorded by any band.  Ever.


  1. It's true. The only band to come close, in my opinion, to said breakdown is Converge, which I will tackle later on in my list!
