Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Trystan's Best #9: Murder By Death - In Bocca Al Lupo

Released: May 23rd, 2006

Murder By Death are in a class of their own: They make western rock music. Not country rock, but western rock. The latter you would tap a toe to, line dance to, or fire up the barbeque to, and the former you would shoot-a-man-in-reno-just-to-watch-him-die to. In Bocca Al Lupo is a collection of stories. Stories of redemption, revenge, and obligation, and like and good piece of spaghetti western film, this album has rising and falling action. Things begin slowly and then burst wide open on "Brother" then slow with "Dynamite Mine" and again go wild with the prison-break-anthem "Sometimes The Line Walks You". This pattern continues, closing with the optimistic sing-a-long of "The Devil Drives", some much needed optimism for anyone taking their first step into singer Adam Turla's dark, whiskey-soaked world. Murder By Death are the best band you probably haven't heard of, so get to it!

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